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Monday, September 28, 2009

Knowledge and Ability

The Topic of : Knowledge and Ability – Know and Know How
Remember that know followed by a noun expresses knowledge.
Subject + KNOW + noun
I know the answer
Avoid using an infinitive after know.
Remember that know how followed by an infinitive axpresses ability.
S + KNOW + how+ infinitive + Complement
I know how to answer the question
Incorrect : He doesn’t know to use the card catalog in the library.
Correct : He doesn’t know how to use the card catalog in the library.
Incorrect : He’ll have to help her because she doesn’t know to do it.
Correct : He’ll have to help her because she doesn’t know how to do it.
Incorrect : If you knew to drive, she would lend You her car.
Correct : If you knew how to drive, she would lend You her car.
Incorrect : Until she came to the Australia to study, she didn’t know to cook.
Correct : Until she came to the Australia to study, she didn’t know how to cook.
Incorrect : Do you know to drive?
Correct : Do you know how to drive?

Also Learn :
-Logical Conclusions – Events that Repeat
-Logical Conclusions – in the Present Events
-Modal: May, might....
-Logical Conclusions -> in the Past Events
-The accent How to Speak English
-Non Progressive Verb

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Source STIBA, Satya Widya Surabaya